Nick’s Coffee Company – Free Hot Drinks to Over 65’s

Nick Seymour, proprietor of Nick's Coffee Co. Ranelagh Village, decided to keep his Free Hot Drinks to Over 65's policy ...

Nick Seymour, proprietor of Nick’s Coffee Co. Ranelagh Village, decided to keep his Free Hot Drinks to Over 65’s policy as a tribute to his Nan – this simple measure is intended to bring some heart back to the local community.

In a world where traditional neighbourhood touchstones like the post office and corner shop are faded or gone, Nick felt it important to return a social space for everybody to feel free to strike up a chat.

The “coffee culture” in Ireland developed later in the lifetime of the older generation and can sometimes seem alien and threatening.

Nick decided on his policy to encourage older people to feel at home and feel more inclined to speak with people of all ages and open up.

He was going to run the offer till the weather got better but has decided to keep it for good. Increasingly since older people have grown more used to Nick’s shop each day more random conversations are struck up and before you know it everyone’s chatting, swapping stories and information. It goes a long way to letting people do what people are best at. Socialise.

Nick’s Nan was his true inspiration. She was always sickened by how the older generation were first to be forgotten – victims of politicians and victims of crime. It’s easy to see why so many drop out of daily contact. It’s so unfair when this generation has already been through so much and given everything to society.

Truth of the matter is when people with those years of wisdom are out and about the world is a better place, they have more to offer, more patience and manners. It’s a valuable resource that we can scarce afford to squander.

Nick also operates his Free Hot Drinks To Over 65’s policy at events in locations such as Farmleigh in The Phoenix Park. (Check for market dates). We plan to extend this to all our pop up events throughout the year.

The only criteria we ask is if there are groups interested. If they could phone or email me directly. In advance so we can cater for larger numbers.

Alexandra Seymour
085 8675346

Nick’s Coffee Company Ltd are at 20 Ranelagh Road, Dublin 6 (almost opposite Ranelagh Luas).

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“Every community should be lucky enough to have a Nick Seymour.” 
Here is a recent article from The Irish Times Magazine from January 2015.
Nick's Coffee article

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