State Pension / Old Age Pension (Contributory)

Table of contents State Pension (Contributory) Rules to qualify Extra benefits How to apply – *All information from State Pension (Contributory) The State Pension (Contributory) is paid to people from the age of 66 who have enough Irish social insurance contributions. It is not means-tested. You can have other income and still get a […]

– *All information from

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State Pension (Contributory)

The State Pension (Contributory) is paid to people from the age of 66 who have enough Irish social insurance contributions. It is not means-tested. You can have other income and still get a State Pension (Contributory). This pension is taxable but you are unlikely to pay tax if it is your only income.

If you retire early, you should ensure that you continue to pay PRSI contributions or get credited contributions (if eligible) to maintain your entitlement to a pension. If you are getting Jobseeker’s Benefit (JB) and are aged between 65 and 66 when your JB would normally end, you may continue to receive it until the age of 66, provided you meet the PRSI requirements.

The Department of Social Protection has published FAQs on Qualifying for the State Pension (Contributory) which can help you to work out whether you qualify for a State Pension (Contributory).

Rules to qualify

To qualify for a State Pension (Contributory) you must be aged 66 or over and have enough Class A, E, F,G, H, N or S social insurance contributions.

You need to:

  1. Have paid social insurance contributions before a certain age
  2. Have a certain number of social insurance contributions paid and
  3. Have a certain average number over the years since you first started to pay

To see details of rules and contributory state pension rates, visit Citizens Information now.

Extra benefits

You are automatically paid an extra allowance of €10 per week when you reach 80 years of age. This increase is not paid to qualified adults.

The Living Alone Increase may be payable to people who live completely alone. You may also be eligible for other benefits.

Adult dependant

You can get an increase in your payment for an adult dependant (called a qualified adult).

Your income is not taken into account in the assessment for a Increase for a Qualified Adult. Any income your adult dependant has from employment, self-employment, savings, investments and capital (for example, any property except your own home) is taken into account. If you have joint savings or investments with your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant only half is taken into account.

If you are getting a State Pension (Contributory) the Increase for a Qualified Adult is automatically paid directly to your adult dependant. This only applies to applications for State pensions received by the Department on or after 27 September 2007.

Child dependants

You can also get an increase in your payment for child dependants (known as qualified children). Since 6 July 2012 you can no longer claim an Increase for a Qualified Child (IQC) with your State Pension (Contributory) if your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant has an income of over €400 a week. You get a half-rate IQC if your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant earns between €310 and €400 a week. This only applies to claims made after 6 July 2012.

How to apply

Questions about your eligibility for a State Pension (Contributory) should be addressed to your local social welfare office or:

Department of Social Protection

Social Welfare Services
College Road

Opening Hours:This office does not offer a service to personal callers. All queries must be made using the online enquiry form, by telephone or in writing.
Tel:(071) 915 7100
Locall:1890 500 000

You can email the State Pension (Contributory) section using the secure enquiry form. If you wish to talk to someone face-to-face about your pension entitlements, you can visit your local Citizens Information centre, social welfare local office or Intreo centre.

Questions about your social insurance record should be addressed to:

PRSI Records

Department of Social Protection
McCarter’s Road

Tel:(01) 471 5898
Locall:1890 690 690

*“Contains Irish Public Sector Data licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence”.

5110    Entitlements For Older People