Alzheimer Cafés in Dublin, Cork, Kildare, Sligo and Tipperary

– From The Alzheimer Café Model The Alzheimer Café model originates in the Netherlands and is very well established there, with more 180 Alzheimer Cafes throughout the country. In June 2011, a group of healthcare professionals got together to set up Ireland’s first Alzheimer Cafe. They choose the Avila Centre in Donnybrook as the […]

– From

The Alzheimer Café Model

The Alzheimer Café model originates in the Netherlands and is very well established there, with more 180 Alzheimer Cafes throughout the country. In June 2011, a group of healthcare professionals got together to set up Ireland’s first Alzheimer Cafe. They choose the Avila Centre in Donnybrook as the location. Since then, other groups of individuals around Ireland have got together to set up Alzheimer Cafes in their communities. Some are run in the evening-time, others sometime during the day.

Why is it needed?
Dementia directly impacts on the lives of tens of thousands of people in Ireland. An estimated 48,000 people are living with dementia and the number is set to double in the next 20 years.

The Alzheimer Café is designed to complement other support services. It offers support, information and an environment in which there is openness about dementia. There is an emphasis on the emotional and psychosocial rather than the medical aspects of dementia.

What happens at the Alzheimer Cafe Evening/Morning?
The first part of the Alzheimer Cafe gathering is just socialising. People come and sit at tables and chat over a cup of tea and cake. There’s then a talk about some aspect of dementia, followed by discussion and more general chat. Like any cafe, people can come and go as they wish.

Where can I find them?

There are Alzheimer Cafes in Dublin, Cork, Kildare, Sligo and Tipperary. Click HERE to find the Alzheimer Cafe nearest to you.

1848    Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease