Free Dementia Care Education Booklet from Home Instead Senior Care

From Home Instead Senior CareIn Ireland, more than 44,000 people are currently living with some form of dementia. ...

24 September 2013   Category: Alzheimer’s and Dementia

– From Home Instead Senior Care

In Ireland, more than 44,000 people are currently living with some form of dementia. There are over 50,000 caregivers whose lives are also affected as each day they care for their loved ones who are no longer able to care for themselves.

It’s the diagnosis that can strike dread in the hearts of family caregivers: Alzheimer’s disease. That’s because this illness and other dementias often steal from older adults what they treasure most: their identity. That’s a traumatic prospect both for older adults and the family members who love and care for them.

Home Instead Senior Care knows the havoc these conditions can wreak in the lives of older people and their families. Many of the older people cared for by us have dementia, so we’ve witnessed the fear and loss that older adults face. We understand how Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias steal from family caregivers as well. These conditions take their energy, peace of mind and happiness.

If you’re living it now, you know all too well. If your loved one just received the diagnosis, you’re likely anxious about the future – for your loved one and yourself. You want your loved one to be safe and engaged in life. But given the memory and behavioural changes that sometimes accompany dementia, how can you ensure this happens? And how do youtake good care of yourself while providing excellent care to your family member?

CARE: Changing Ageing Through Research and Education

Wherever you are on the journey, Home Instead Senior Care can help in a dramatic and positive way. CARE: Changing Ageing Through Research and Education (“CARE”) is a unique training approach for Home Instead CAREGivers. In addition to explaining some of the basic facts about the different forms of dementia this booklet provides practical assistance from our CARE programme to help family caregivers like you on your journey.

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