Seniors are more likely to be victims of burglary and a frequent target by burglars since older people are assumed to be the most vulnerable homeowners. However, there are ways to make sure your older loved ones receive the protection they need even if they live alone or as part of a community. Older people and those struggling with illness need alarm systems that are easy to use. Wireless technology these days has not only made alarm systems much easier to access and operate, but it has also made them more affordable than the past.

Here are some essential tips to choosing a home security system.

1. Quick and Accessible Security: The first thing to make sure when looking for a home security system is to make sure it is quick and accessible. Most systems only require a code or password that needs to be activated. Choose a code that is easy for your older loved ones to remember. If your loved one has mobility issues, then they would also need an easy way to activate the alarm if needed, something that doesn’t require much effort. For instance, some alarm systems come with necklaces or bracelets that the older person can wear at all times. The alarm can be rung with just the press of a button.

2. Third Party Monitoring: Many home security services come with third party monitoring. This means that the system is connected to an outside party that can get in touch with local authorities when the home’s occupant cannot. Not only does this keep the older person safe, but it can also be a comfort to a senior citizen living alone to know that she has help if needed. The third party service can communicate with registered emergency phone numbers too during situations of tension. This can also be effective during accidents such as gas leaks or other hazards in the home.

3. Minimum Alternative: If you cannot afford third party monitoring services, a loud alarm can be enough to scare off a burglar and keep your loved ones safe. Not only can a loud alarm scare away a burglar, but it can also draw the attention of neighbours and passers-by who can also provide additional help if needed.

4. Ease of Use: Security systems should be extremely easy for your older loved one to use. Although the older generation are one of the highest adopters of new technologies, there are many who are not technologically savvy. When looking for a good home security system for your loved ones, it is still important that they have the option to monitor the system themselves to give some amount of control over the situation.

5. Check Circumstances: When choosing a home security system, it is crucial to take into account your loved ones specific circumstances and living situation. This way you can choose the most ideal home security alarm system. Many older people have to stay at home alone for some or all of the day. Choose security systems that are best suited for your loved ones living situation and daily habits. Effectiveness comes from planning.

With an efficient home security system in place, you and your older loves ones will be provided with a sense of safety and peace of mind.

Joe Will is a senior consultant who consultant security services to hotels, homes, and also does private consultancy. He strongly advocates security services for elderly and aged people. Know more about security services here: Burleson ADT. – See more at: